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Tiger Time (4) Student’s Book with Access Code(1-e)
好書Tiger Time (4) Student’s Book with Access Code(1-e)
作者: Carol Read, Mark Ormerod
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/10/22
- 語言:英文
專業教科書Tiger Time (4) Student’s Book with Access Code(1-e)全書的內容大意
Tiger Time is a vibrant, six-level primary course based around different settings and characters which grow and change with the students, reflecting their evolving interests and needs.
Units contain humorous stories told through different genres, which use everyday language as well as catchy songs, chants and raps at the lower levels. Within each unit lessons are carefully structured focusing first on vocabulary, grammar and skills, and building to CLIL, culture and projects, allowing children to practise and consolidate their learning throughout the unit. Each unit ends with a review, encouraging active communication.
Written with classroom management in mind, activities are practical and well-staged. The accompanying Presentation Kit and Teacher's Resource Centre help teachers create dynamic lessons, which cater to diverse classroom situations. The Student's Resource Centre provides a home-school connection offering extra activities and support.
Student's Book
Within each unit of the Tiger Time Student's Book are lessons that have been carefully structured to focus on vocabulary, grammar and skills, and then building to CLIL, culture and projects. Included within is a code providing access to the Student's Resource Centre where a fully integrated digital platform can be found with a wealth of extra material.
?Story-based learning in different genres
?Graded approach to grammar and vocabulary
?Strong values strand
?Cross-curricular content
?Speaking activities that build confidence and focus on natural use of English
?Code to access the Student’s Resource Centre
敘事取向的生涯諮商 | 兒童分析的故事 | ||
行為改變的理論與技術 | 行為改變技術 |
作者: Carol Read, Mark Ormerod
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/10/22
- 語言:英文
Tiger Time (4) Student’s Book with Access Code(1-e)
數值法地籍圖重測作業手冊 | 地籍圖重測委託辦理查核作業手冊 | ||
地籍圖重測委託辦理作業規範 | 土地登記審查手冊-精 |
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Tiger Time (4) Student’s Book with Access Code(1-e)
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